gW suka BANGET ketidakPASTIan

gW suka BANGET ketidakPASTIan

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

potential gain NAB RD YTD s/d AKHIR OKTOBER 2011

ihsg tgl 30 Desember 2010: 3703.51
ihsg tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 3829.96

potential gain of IHSG = +3.41%
BNP Paribas Infrastruktur Plus tgl 30 Desember 2010: 2.289,67 BNP Paribas Infrastruktur Plus tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 2,170.680 potential gain 0f BNPPIP : -5.19%
BNP Paribas Ekuitas tgl 30 Desember 2010: 13,813.87
BNP Paribas Ekuitas tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 13,851.67 potential gain 0f BNPPE: +0,27%
BNP Paribas Solaris tgl 30 Desember 2010: 1.714,43
BNP Paribas Solaris tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 1,678.510 potential gain of BNPPS: -2.09%
First State Indoequity Sectoral Fund tgl 30 Desember 2010: 4.150,53
First State Indoequity Sectoral Fund tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 4,337.030

potential gain of FSISF: +4.49%
Manulife Dana Saham tgl 30 Desember 2010: 9.301,49 Manulife Dana Saham tgl 28 Oktober 2011: 9,170.100 potential gain of MDS: -1.41%

RD PROFIT itu ekspektasi SEMUA inve$tor LAH : 311011

Perkiraan 2012: Bursa Sangat Fluktuatif Edna C Pattisina | Nasru Alam Aziz | Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011 | 12:09 WIB ... FLUKTUATIF itu JAMAK, biasa, selalu gitu lho :P ... cuma soalnya TRENnya mau apa, entah itu BULLISH yaitu NAEK TERUS atawa BEARISH yaitu semakin turun sampe dengan akhir 2012 ... well, menurut gw, bisa terjadi kaya 2011, yaitu sebentar bullish, lalu bearish, kemudian bullish lage, ekh diselingi bearish juga yang mungkin dalam, lalu ditutup sedikit bullish ... well, liat aja dah :) JAKARTA, — Bursa dunia diperkirakan akan mengalami kecenderungan fluktuatif selama tahun 2012. Pasalnya, bursa akan lebih ditentukan oleh keputusan-keputusan politik yang mencicil solusi ekonomi. Hal ini disampaikan Michael Tjoajadi, Presdir PT Schroders Investment Management Indonesia, Sabtu (29/10/2011), dalam acara temu wicara Share and Learn Harian Kontan dengan tema "Reksadana Tetap Profit di Masa Sulit". Michael mencontohkan, antusiasme pasar yang melonjakkan indeks beberapa bursa asing di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat akibat hasil pertemuan para pemimpin Eropa tentang pemotongan utang Yunani, Kamis lalu. Antusiasme ini merosot hanya sehari kemudian ketika ada beberapa pendapat yang mempertanyakan keputusan tersebut. "Solusi yang dihasilkan akan bersifat sedikit demi sedikit tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah secara umum," kata Michael. Akibatnya, pola 2012 akan terjadi kenaikan sedikit dilanjutkan penurunan, lalu naik lagi, begitu seterusnya. Michael mengemukakan, karena Uni Eropa memiliki kekuatan dan kebijakan fiskal yang berbeda-beda hal ini membuat sulit mengatasi krisis Eropa. Sementara, Indonesia masih dipandang secara optimististis mengingat 60 persen ekonomi digerakan oleh konsumsi dalam negeri. Sementara Rudiyanto selaku Senior Research Analyst PT Infovesta menyoroti bahwa bagi investor, saat yang paling tepat untuk investasi reksadana pada saat ini adalah ketika Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan berada di bawah 3700. "Karena fundamental kita bagus," ujarnya.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

inves 1 jt Mandiri Inves Ekuitas Dinamis s/d Oktober 2011

sekedar catatan: pada saat koreksi per September 2011, seharusnya pembelian mied DIGANDAKAN sehingga efek BUNGA MAJEMUK akan lebe GEDE; itu yang gw sebut sebagai taktik CERDAS memanfaatkan KRISIS :)

CUS : PANEN @ihsg : 281011 (tetap SEMANGAT)

saat peringatan hari Sumpah Pemuda semoga tetap SEMANGAT, karena ihsg sudah TERBANG dari : tgl 4 Oktober 2011 @3269 tgl 27 Oktober 2011 @3813 POTENTIAL GAIN ihsg @16,64% berarti RDS JUGA NAEK sekira 10-20%, well, nante gw posting datanya :) mau Cari Untung Sesaat ini lah saatnya BWAT YANG IKUT maen reksa dana ala gw ya :) (buy on BLOOD LETTING MARKETS, sell on MARKET EUPHORIA)
neh, gw isenk ikut quiz di harian New York Times edisi 27 Oktober 2011, hasilnya gw dapat nilai 60%, yaitu benar 6 dari 10 soal; semua soal investasi gw bener; soal asuransi gw lemah (makanya bener gw serahkan pada pasangan gw aja :) ), dan soal pinjaman/kartu kredit gw oke lah ... persoalan laen gw tidak terlalu mafhum sistem keuangan pensiun amrik ... well, lumayan lah, jika dibanding dengan orang amrik yang dites pada usia yang sama dengan kelompok usia gw: Quiz Completed Compare your score to the average for people in your age group in a recent nationwide survey: Age: 25-29: 53% 30-34: 61% 35-39: 63% 40-44: 64% 45-49: 64% 50-54: 62% 55-59: 61% 60-64: 61% 65-69: 57% 70-74: 50% 75-79: 41% 80-84: 33% 85-89: 27% 90+: 13% You scored 60%! Q.1 Savings accounts and money-market accounts are most appropriate for: (gw bener) Long-term investments like retirement Emergency funds and short-term goals Earning a high rate of return Q.2 To reduce the total finance costs paid over the life of an auto loan, you should choose a loan with the: (gw bener) Lowest monthly payment Longest repayment term Shortest repayment term Q.3 If you always pay the full balance on your credit card, which of the following is least important? (gw salah) Annual interest rate Annual fees Line of credit Q.4 Which type of mortgage would allow a first-time home buyer to qualify for the highest loan amount? (gw salah) Fixed-rate mortgage Adjustable-rate mortgage Reverse mortgage Q.5 The benefit of owning investments that are diversified is that it:(gw bener) Reduces risk Increases return Reduces tax liability Q.6 A young investor willing to take moderate risk for above-average growth would be most interested in: (gw bener) Treasury bills Money-market mutual funds Balanced stock funds Q.7 The main advantage of a 401(k) plan is that it: (gw bener) Provides a high rate of return with little risk Allows you to shelter retirement savings from taxation Provides a well-diversified mix of investment assets Q.8 To ensure that some of your retirement savings will not be subject to income tax upon withdrawal, you would contribute to: (gw bener) A Traditional IRA or Individual Retirement Account A Roth IRA A 401(k) plan Q.9 If you have an insurance policy with a higher deductible, the premiums will be:(gw salah) Higher Lower The same Q.10 Which of the following types of insurance is most important for single workers without children? (gw salah) Life insurance Disability income insurance Dental insurance

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

DANAREKSA reksadana mobile : 221011

Danareksa luncurkan layanan Reksa Dana Mobile Oleh Ahmad Puja Rahman Altiar Jum'at, 21 Oktober 2011 | 18:03 WIB bisnis indonesia JAKARTA: PT Danareksa Investment Management meluncurkan produk layanan terbarunya yakni Reksa Dana Mobile untuk memudahkan nasabah melakukan transaksi investasi di manapun. Direktur Danareksa Investment Management Zulfa Hendri mengatakan produk ini merupakan kontribusi manajemen investasi (MI) pelat merah tersebut terhadap edukasi investasi reksa dana kepada masyarakat. "Layanan ini diluncurkan untuk memudahkan nasabah melakukan transaski di mana saja dan kapan saja," tuturnya dalam acara peluncuran produk tersebut pada hari ini. Menurutnya, produk tersebut merupakan pengembangan atas produk Danareksa sebelumnya yakni situs transaksi reksa dana secara online. Dia menjelaskan dengan layanan ini nasabah dimungkinkan melakukakn transaksi hanya melalui layanan Internet pada ponsel atau smartphone pelanggan. Zulfa yakin produk ini akan menjadi pionir dan diikuti oleh manajemen investasi lainnya. "Kami senang bila produk kami diikuti oleh MI lain karena dapat meningkatkan industri reksa dana," ujarnya. Danareksa mengaku menyasar seluruh lapisan masyarakat dengan layanan terbaru ini. (sut)

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

RD pendapatan tetap, dibanding harga OBLIGASI : 211011

Walaupun sentimen negatif global cenderung memicu kenaikan Credit Default Swap (CDS), yakni acuan risiko berinvestsi, namun hal itu tidak menghambat harga obligasi pemerintah untuk terus mencatatkan reli. Hingga Kamis (20/10) kemarin, indeks Inter Dealer Market Association (IDMA), yang menjadi acuan harga obligasi pemerintah masih ditutup di posisi tertingginya di sepanjang 2011 yaitu 107,85. Angka tersebut naik dari posisi 107,13 pada akhir pekan sebelumnya (14/10).
Sedangkan, CDS bertenor 10 tahun pada periode yang sama, ditutup naik ke posisi 313,62 dari 289,91 atau naik 8,2%. Sementara, CDS bertenor 5 tahun juga naik menjadi 227,01 dari sebelumnya 210. Corporate Secretary Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA), Rabu (20/10) bilang, kenaikan CDS dipicu kabar negatif yang berasal dari zona Eropa. Seperti yang diketahui, kemarin, S&P memangkas rating peringkat utang jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Slovenia menjadi AA-/A-1+ dari rating sebelumnya AA/A-1+ dengan outlook stabil. "Semenjak krisis finansial yang terjadi di Eropa, negara ini mengalami penurunan kondisi fiskal yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya tingkat utang Slovenia," ujar Tumpal. Dia menambahkan, krisis yang berkepanjangan ini telah mengakibatkan perlambatan perekonomian beberapa negara di kawasan Eropa sekaligus mempengaruhi kondisi global saat ini. Sumber : KONTAN.CO.ID
... well, gw khan selalu BILANG bahwa gw inves secara DIVERSIFIKASI, berarti gw juga inves @REKSA DANA PENDAPATAN TETAP yang berbasis pada OBLIGASI, berikut dalam 3 bulan terakhir, liat trennya dibandingkan dengan RD Saham yang populer (BNP Paribas Ekuitas/BNPPE dan Schroder Dana Istimewa/SDI):
RDPT gw dalam tabel dan grafik ini adalah MONI2= manulife obligasi negara indonesia 2; sdmp2 = schroder dana mantap plus 2
gw uda masukin juga link ke data NAB SDMP2 dan MONI2 : data harian NAB SDMP2 dan MONI2

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

investasi APA neh ... 181011

Nowhere to hide Investors have had a dreadful time in the recent past. The immediate future looks pretty rotten, too Oct 15th 2011 | from the print edition PITY the world’s savers. Economists and other busybodies chide them for not spending more, thereby stimulating the economy. Meanwhile their pension schemes are steadily being made less generous, a process that will require them to save more, not less, if they want to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Britons now retiring on private pensions will receive an income 30% less than those who left work three years ago . When savers try to find a home for their money, they face daily headlines about bank bailouts, sovereign-debt crises and the possibility of another recession. Given the scale of the risks, investors are not being offered much in the way of reward. In much of the developed world, yields on cash are 1.5% or below. The most liquid government bond markets (those of America, Britain, Germany and Japan) offer yields of 2.5% or less. In both cases, such meagre returns are part of a deliberate policy: governments and central banks want companies that might create jobs to start borrowing again. Even American equities, despite a dismal record over the past decade, offer a dividend yield of just 2.1%, a level that historically has been associated with low returns for several years to come That is a legacy of the stratospheric valuations attained by Wall Street at the height of the dotcom bubble. The danger for savers is not simply of disappointing returns, but of devastating blows to their wealth. Just after the second world war, British government bonds (gilts) offered yields similar to today’s; those who bought them lost three-quarters of their money, in real terms, by 1974. Investors with more of an appetite for risk may do even worse. Those who bought Japanese shares at the peak in 1989 are now sitting on a nominal 80% loss. Polish up your crystal ball Investors’ choices will be guided by how they think the crisis will unfold. The best hope is that the authorities will “muddle through”: stabilise the European sovereign-debt crisis, steer developed economies back on to a path of 2-3% annual growth while simultaneously devising realistic plans to reduce government debt over the medium term. But if that rosy prospect does not materialise—and the odds are against it—the world is looking at three scenarios. One possibility is that the developed world will attempt to inflate its debt away, perhaps by ever-larger doses of quantitative easing. A surge in commodity prices in 2010 and early 2011 has pushed inflation higher than it was a year ago in each of the G7 countries, and in Brazil, Russia and China as well (India is the exception among the BRICs). Inflation normally suggests investors should go for gold. But its stratospheric price, and the fact that most economists think that inflation will fall back as the global economy slows, argue against it. A second possibility is that the European authorities make a fatal miscalculation, allowing Greece to default chaotically, without adequately propping up the region’s banks or protecting bigger economies such as Italy and Spain from collateral damage. The result could be a very sharp fall in European GDP, with knock-on effects in the rest of the rich world. That scenario argues in favour of US Treasuries. This newspaper persists in believing that Europe’s politicians cannot be stupid enough to allow the euro to collapse; but, like their equally uninspiring peers in America, they are unlikely to do much to help the West’s economies grow. So we suspect that the rich world faces a third scenario: Japanese-style stagnation. Recessions are likely to be more frequent than they were in the 1980s and 1990s, and the overall growth rate sluggish. Such an outcome would make it very difficult for the developed world to work off its debts; more countries would fall into the kind of debt trap faced by Japan. Different quotes for different folks On the face of it, a gloomy outlook argues for Treasuries. In recessions, they have generally been a good bet, delivering an average positive return of 10.4% while equities have delivered an average negative return of 15.3%. But that depends on negligible inflation; and given that the current American rate is 3.8% and that the average rate since 1900 has been 3.1%, this is a big risk for investors to take. It was inflation that wiped out British gilt-holders after the second world war. Equities offer a better hedge against inflation, but American shares still look expensive. On a cyclically adjusted price-earnings measure, which smooths profits over ten years, they trade on a multiple of 19.4, compared to a historic average of 16.4. European equities, which have on average underperformed American ones, look more attractive: the price-earnings ratio in the euro zone is 11. But there is a case for holding cash on the ground that things may get worse before they get better. If markets continue downwards, equities could be a bargain next year; already some companies with global brand names trade on dividend yields of more than 5%. Many big companies are sitting on piles of cash and are benefiting from the continued growth in Asia. A purer bet on emerging markets would be to buy shares in China and India; but Asia will not be immune from a global downturn and their markets are still opaque. At the moment many of the best refuges are to be found in corporate bonds. European high-yield bonds pay 10 percentage points more than government issues, even though default rates are currently very low: in the year to September, only 1.9% of issues defaulted. But, once again, if the economy stalls, even corporate bonds may become cheaper. It would be better for the global economy if savers piled their cash into equities and corporate bonds now, rather than waiting for better news. But savers are understandably reluctant to buy in the face of political dithering; whether it is Europe’s failure to sort out the Greek crisis or Washington’s failure to devise a plan that combines short-term economic stimulus with a long-term plan to reduce the deficit. That is yet another reason for politicians to get their various acts together: doing so will encourage savers to remove their cash from under their mattresses and put it into productive assets.

tuwe CEMAS, muda NGANGGUR, kejepit deh

The Sandwich Generation: Caught in the Middle by Kimberly Lankford Thursday, October 13, 2011Kiplinger'sPersonalFinance yahoo finance It's hard enough to pay your bills and save for retirement, especially during an economic downturn. But it's even tougher when you have to juggle responsibilities, providing for your own financial needs and lending a helping hand to your elderly parents or grown children — or both. Nearly half of Americans 55 and older say they expect to provide support for aging relatives and adult children, according to the Retirement Re-Set study by SunAmerica Financial Group and Age Wave, a research group that tracks the financial and cultural impact of the graying of America. "Family assistance has become the new retirement wild card," says Age Wave founder Ken Dychtwald.

your own financial needs and lending a helping hand to your elderly parents or grown children — or both.... GIMANA CARANYA MENGELOLA KEUANGAN dengan WAJIB MENANGGUNG DIRI SENDIRI, ORTU dan ANAK DEWASA YANG TIDAK PUNYA PEMASUKAN

A sour economy has exacerbated the squeeze on the "sandwich generation." Seniors are struggling to cope with rising medical and long-term-care expenses just as their investment portfolios and home values are shrinking, and their middle-age children sometimes need to pitch in. Those same children, who breathed a sigh of relief when the college tuition bills for their own offspring finally ended, may also be fielding requests for help from the kids — or even a boomerang brood on their doorstep. It's hard to say no, and most people don't. But that decision may have long-term implications. Even if you don't have to raid your retirement accounts, cutting back on your retirement-plan contributions to help family members translates into a smaller nest egg. Or maybe it's your time, rather than your money, that's in demand. Although it might seem more cost-effective to take time off from work to care for a relative rather than to pay someone else to do it, the long-term cost can be high. The average worker who takes time off to provide care for an aging parent sacrifices more than $300,000 in lost wages and benefits over a lifetime, says Sandra Timmermann, a gerontologist and director of the MetLife Mature Market Institute. "You lose the accumulation of the money you could earn; you lose your 401(k) match; you lose your benefits and health insurance; and you may not be able to find a job again when you want to get back into the workforce," she says. Call in the pros Roger Bacharach, 65, knows about the sandwich squeeze firsthand. A professional artist from Lancaster, Pa., Bacharach has spent nearly five decades balancing his love of art with the financial realities of raising a family. "My father always encouraged me to have a dependable source of income," says Bacharach, who supplemented his painting sales with art-related jobs, such as medical illustrator, art teacher, and gallery and art-supply-store owner. He and his wife, Trudie, an emergency-room doctor, faithfully squirreled away money to pay for college for their two children and to fund their own retirement. But just as they were getting ready to relax and enjoy retirement, life took an unexpected turn.

a dependable source of income

Roger's parents, Lewis and Mary Rae, had been living in Arizona for more than 30 years. But after Roger's mother began showing signs of Alzheimer's in her early nineties, Roger talked to his parents about moving to Pennsylvania to be closer to him and his brother. By the time his parents relocated three years later, his mother had suffered a stroke. She went to a nursing home for care; his father moved to an assisted-living facility nearby. The elder Bacharachs had saved enough money to pay their long-term-care expenses for a while, but at more than $12,000 per month, their money wouldn't last forever.

life took an unexpected turn.

Roger and his father assembled a team of financial experts, including an accountant, an estate planner, a bank manager and Roger's longtime financial planner. "We got together a good team to help prepare for whatever was coming down the pike," says Roger. They set up his dad's investments so their nursing-home and assisted-living bills would mostly be paid for from stock dividends and laddered CDs. They also set up a trust to minimize estate taxes.

a team of financial experts, including an accountant, an estate planner, a bank manager and Roger's longtime financial planner.

Meanwhile, Roger and his father worked together to see where they could cut costs. They scrutinized the itemized nursing-home bills for errors, and they reduced costs by more than $1,000 per month by purchasing some of his mother's personal supplies on their own rather than paying the facility's marked-up prices. Lewis, a former pawnbroker who could add five columns of figures in his head without a calculator, enjoyed the accounting efforts, which kept his mind nimble and saved him money. Mary Rae died at age 100 in early 2011, but Roger and his father, now 97, still go over his finances with a fine-toothed comb. Seeing how much his parents spent on their combined nursing-home and assisted-living bills prompted Roger and Trudie to buy long-term-care insurance for themselves.

cut costs..

Rick Rodgers, the Bacharachs' financial planner, says that when he meets with new clients, one of the first things he brings up is whether they think they'll eventually have to help their parents financially. "We're siphoning off funds that would be used for our retirement to take care of our parents," he says. "It's a trade-off." And working around that trade-off is a key piece of his clients' financial plans.

siphoning off funds that would be used for our retirement to take care of our parents..

Create an action plan Lisa Green, a financial-services coordinator in Boca Raton, Fla., counts herself among the sandwich generation infantry. Her professional experience came in handy as Lisa and her four adult sisters prepared for financial challenges when their mother needed care. Delores Green, now 78, survived a bout of throat cancer several years ago but needed care at home following hospitalization for a knee injury and subsequent infection. After her daughters took turns providing care in her home in Delray, Fla., for several months, Delores and her daughters decided that it was time to sell the house. Delores planned to move into a continuing-care community, where she could live in her own condo but would have medical care available if she needed it. Preparing the family home for sale after 40 years was hard enough, with Lisa's sisters flying in from all over the country and using their vacation time to clean out the house. But the timing couldn't have been worse. It was September 2008, during the darkest days of the Great Recession. Delores's portfolio shrank, and home values in Florida hit the skids at exactly the time Delores needed a lump sum to buy into the retirement community. Lisa's financial-planning expertise helped the family manage this worst-case scenario. She analyzed the situation, as she does with clients, and let her sisters know exactly where they stood and the timeline for when they might have to pitch in and provide financial assistance.

manage this worst-case scenario. She analyzed the situation

She helped figure out where to find the lump sum for the retirement community and created a spreadsheet dividing her mother's expenses into three categories: the carrying costs on her house, the monthly expenses for the retirement community and her personal expenses. "Then we could see how long the assets could last," she says. "We knew that she had staying power for 18 to 24 months. But if we didn't sell the house by then, we'd all have to start kicking in cash." Lisa told her sisters that they should be prepared to contribute $500 per month each to their mom's expenses if the house didn't sell after two years.

expenses into three categories: the carrying costs on her house, the monthly expenses for the retirement community and her personal expenseS

Fortunately, they found a renter the following year who covered the house's carrying costs, and they were able to sell it before the sisters had to contribute any money. Meanwhile, Delores's portfolio turned around, too. But Lisa continues to monitor her mother's investments and expenses so that she and her siblings will have plenty of notice if they need to help in the future.

monitor her mother's investments and expenses

Kids in need Helping your parents is only half of the story in the sandwich generation squeeze. Two of Lisa Green's sisters had kids attending college at the same time they were on notice that they might have to help with their mother's bills. Likewise, at the same time that Roger Bacharach was moving his parents from Arizona to Pennsylvania, his two children were in college.

student loans

The Bacharachs had saved for years to help cover some college costs without jeopardizing their own retirement. The kids each took out student loans, too. "I told them I'd pay for part of college, but I also wanted them to take out some loans so they had some skin in the game and could start building credit on their own," says Roger. "They're paying them back and managing their own finances." After both children graduated and found good jobs — Joel as an environmental supervisor and Jordan as a teacher — it looked as if Roger and Trudie were finally finished with their kids' expenses. But then the recession hit, and both children lost their jobs.

opened savings accounts

At Roger's urging, both kids had opened savings accounts when they were young and added to the accounts through the years. Those savings helped them after they were laid off, and Roger gave them both a chunk of cash to help them over the rough patch. But he told them that they had to manage the money. Joel is using his money to help pay off debt and cover his expenses. Jordan, who found a teaching job in Philadelphia and is getting married, is using her savings and her parents' gift for a down payment on a house. Both of them met with Rick Rodgers, their parents' financial planner, to work on their own financial plans. Rodgers recommends that clients help their children get into the savings habit by matching their retirement-plan contributions as soon as they're eligible. It teaches them about the importance of saving and helps them stretch the money even further.

the savings habit

Make a plan for helping your kids. The Merrill Lynch Affluent Insights Survey found that 82% of the affluent parents (defined as having investable assets of $250,000 or more) surveyed are either supporting their adult children or would if they were asked. And 55% say they would allow boomerang children to come back home, some even if they couldn't pay rent. But the support needs to have limits, says Mari Adam, a financial planner in Boca Raton, Fla. "It's becoming a big problem," she says. "It's interfering with the parents' ability to retire."

Make a plan

One of her clients is almost 70 years old and needs to retire soon, but she can't because she spends too much of her money on her kids, says Adam. Sometimes the kids are in their twenties or thirties — and even their forties. A study by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that more than 25% of parents surveyed took on additional debt to help their children, and 7% had to delay their own retirement because of it. Adam, who has two teenage child­ren herself, recommends to clients that when their adult children need money, they determine whether it's a short-term emergency or a chronic situation. You can help the kids financially, but set clear boundaries. "It's very hard, and people feel guilty," she says, but you don't want to encourage them to sit around. "You want to encourage them to work or pay some rent."

encourage them to work or pay some rent

She recommends that the parents help by giving a fixed amount of money that the children have to budget themselves, much like the Bacharachs did, rather than just paying off their debts or covering their expenses. You may let them live at home rent-free for a certain time period, but then charge them rent after that.

giving a fixed amount of money that the children have to budget

"You can put that money aside for them and give it to them when they move out," she says. They can then use the money for a security deposit on an apartment or to build an emergency fund. Or, if the children have earned income, the parents can use the rent money to contribute to a Roth IRA, which will give them a head start on their own future.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

CUS (cari UNTUNG sesaat) saat KRI$1$

namun saat NAB memuncak pada 22 Juli 2011, seharusnya bisa digunakan (simak angka pada kolom kuning) oleh investor untuk JUAL/redeem sebagian
lalu pada saat NAB merosot dalam pada 30 September 2011, seharusnya bisa digunakan oleh investor untuk BELI/subscription sedikit demi sedikit
secara kasar CARI UNTUNG SAAT bisa mulai direalisasikan pada NAB tgl 14 Oktober 2011, sekira 2-5% laba bisa diraih dalam 2 minggu :)

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

danareksa BERU$AHA bangkiT ... 141011

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011 | 08:47 oleh Amailia Putri Hasniawati, Ruisa K MODAL SEKURITAS Tak ada injeksi modal untuk Danareksa Share dibaca sebanyak 42 kali 0 Komentar Tak ada injeksi modal untuk Danareksa JAKARta. Harapan Danareksa Sekuritas agar mendapat suntikan modal segar, bertepuk sebelah tangan. Pemegang saham mayoritas Danareksa yakni pemerintah, menilai Danareksa belum perlu mendapatkan suntikan modal segar karena kondisi sekuritas itu tidak genting. Parikesit Suprapto, Deputi Menteri Negara BUMN Bidang Perbankan dan Jasa Keuangan, mengatakan, sampai saat ini Danareksa belum masuk dalam daftar entitas BUMN yang perlu direstrukturisasi. "Tidak ada suntikan modal, Danareksa tergolong sekuritas sehat setelah Mandiri Sekuritas," ujar dia ke KONTAN, Rabu (12/9). Parikesit menjelaskan, kondisi modal Danareksa belum mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan data Bursa Efek Indonesia, nilai modal disetor Danareksa Rp 345 miliar. Danareksa memiliki Modal Kerja Bersih Disesuaikan (MKBD) per 13 Oktober, Rp 374,9 miliar. Parikesit juga menilai, semua sekuritas pelat merah memiliki tuntutan yang sama yakni mampu bersaing dengan sekuritas lain, terutama sekuritas asing. "Semua sekuritas juga begitu. Tapi, concern kami saat ini bukan Danareksa," lanjut Parikesit. Dia beralasan, saat ini pemerintah masih memfokuskan perhatian ke upaya merestrukturisasi Bahana pembangunan Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (BPUI), induk usaha Bahana Securities. Kesehatan Bahana Securities lebih buruk daripada Danareksa. Hingga akhir kuartal II-2011, Bahana mencatatkan kerugian portofolio efek senilai Rp 213,17 miliar. Alhasil, Bahana menderita kerugian bersih Rp 186,06 miliar. "Target kami, penyuntikan modal bisa kami lakukan tahun ini," tandas dia. Proposal baru Adapun terkait proposal Danareksa menjadi kuasa kuasa pengelolaan saham pemerintah di sejumlah perusahaan, nasibnya kini sudah tamat. Proposal yang sudah diajukan Danareksa sejak beberapa tahun lalu itu kini sudah tidak dibahas lagi. "Kalau Danareksa masih mau, ya silahkan mengajukan lagi proposal ke Kementerian Keuangan," kata Parikesit. Dia menambahkan, penyuntikan modal melalui skema tersebut tidak gampang. "Kajiannya panjang dan peminatnya banyak," tandas dia. Parikesit menyebut Bahana Securities, dan Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) juga meminati skema itu. Danareksa juga harus memberikan kompensasi ke negara jika menginginkan skema tersebut. Alasannya, pemberian kuasa pengelolaan mengakibatkan dividen yang diterima pemerintah berkurang karena beralih ke si pengelola aset. "Harus ada win-win solution," kata Parikesit. Menghadapi penolakan pemerintah ini, Danareksa memilih bungkam. Marciano Herman, Direktur Utama Danareksa Sekuritas, tak merespon telepon atau pesan pendek yang dikirim KONTAN. Marciano mengungkapkan, Danareksa membutuhkan tambahan modal untuk mengantisipasi penerapan aturan MKBD yang baru. Danareksa juga perlu dana segar untuk membenahi kinerjanya, setelah menjadi joint lead underwriter di penawaran saham perdana PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (Lihat KONTAN, 10 Oktober 2011). n


Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011 | 22:25 oleh Wahyu Satriani PASAR REKSADANA Pasar turun, waktunya borong reksadana? kontan
JAKARTA. Krisis utang Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Eropa masih menghantui pasar keuangan Indonesia. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, instrumen reksadana dapat menjadi pilihan bagi investor. Direktur PT Infovesta Utama Parto kawito menyarankan pada Oktober ini investor bisa memborong reksadana. Reksadana yang bisa menjadi pilihan menguntungkan salah satunya adalah reksadana saham. Jenis reksadana tersebut menjanjikan keuntungan yang tinggi. "Oktober marketnya pasti turun. Ini merupakan siklus tahunan di mana Oktober pasti marketnya turun. Ketika turun, harga menjadi murah. Nanti November dan Desember marketnya akan kembali naik," tutur dia, Jakarta, Kamis (13/10). Saat pasar kembali naik itulah, investor dapat meraup untung. President Director PT Indo Premier Securities Alpino Kianjaya mengatakan pasar modal masih akan bergejolak. Namun, dia menduga pasar modal tidak akan turun banyak. "Kalau turun, tidak akan turun banyak. Akhir tahun IHSG (indeks harga saham gabungan) bisa 3.800 sampai 4.000," tutud Alpino. Di sisi lain, Parto mengatakan penurunan suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia (BI rate) sebesar 25 basis point menjadi 7,5% juga ikut mempengaruhi bisnis reksadana. Penurunan BI rate tersebut berpotensi ikut menurunkan suku bunga deposito. "Kalau deposito turun, reksadana menjadi instrumen yang lebih bagus karena imbal hasilnya yang lebih tinggi dan menarik," tutur dia. Parto memprediksi, dana kelolaan total reksadana masih akan naik hingga akhir tahun nanti. Hal tersebut ditopang dengan adanya penambahan pembelian (subscription) reksadana dari investor. Namun, subscription tersebut tidak akan terlalu banyak. "Likuiditas memang masih banyak, namun lama-lama akan habis juga. Saat ini investor sudah mulai kehabisan peluru," ujar dia.


Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011 | 22:40 oleh Wahyu Satriani PAJAK REKSADANA kontan Kenaikan pajak reksadana diyakini surutkan minat investor

... well, seharusnya PAJAK ITU MENINGKATKAN INVESTASI bukan malah menghancurkan investasi :( ... saran gw bwat MANAJER INVESTASI, bekerja LEBE KERAS dan CERDAS, cari HAL YANG TIDAK DIKENAKAN PAJAK demi LABA USAHA MI dan LABA INVESTOR yang LEBE GEDE :)

JAKARTA. Tarif pajak penghasilan (PPh) baru atas bunga obligasi pada instrumen investasi reksadana yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah diyakini bakal berimbas pada reksadana terproteksi dan pendapatan tetap. Seperti diketahui, pemerintah mulai memberlakukan tarif PPh sebesar 5% dari yang sebelumnya 0% pada tahun ini. Namun besaran pajak tersebut baru akan terasa pada tahun 2014 karena besarannya menjadi 15%. Grace N. Wiragesang, Associate Director PT Mega Capital Investama memperkirakan reksadana terproteksi dan reksadana pendapatan tetap akan sepi peminat pada 2013. Menurutnya, kebijakan tersebut akan berimbas pada turunnya investor institusi pada kedua reksadana tersebut. Sebelumnya, investor institusi memilih untuk menempatkan dananya di reksadana karena pajaknya yang lebih rendah ketimbang besaran pajak bunga obligasi yang sebesar 20%. Dengan kenaikan bunga obligasi pada intrumen investasi reksadana tersebut, maka investor institusi lebih memilih untuk menempatkan dananya langsung di obligasi ketimbang di reksadana. "Karena tax benefit-nya sudah tidak ada. Karena itu, mungkin akan lebih banyak ke ritel," ujar dia, Jakarta, Kamis (13/10). Peminat terproteksi masih banyak Kendati demikian, menurut Grace, hingga kini permintaan reksadana terproteksi masih banyak. Mega Capital sendiri masih memiliki beberapa reksadana terproteksi yang akan jatuh tempo pada 2013 nanti. Diperkirakan, reksadana saham dan campuran akan banyak dipilih oleh investor. Oleh karena itu, tahun depan pihaknya akan fokus di reksadana campuran. President Emeritus BNP Paribas Investment Partners Eko P. Pratomo mengungkapkan hal senada. Namun menurutnya, inevstor tetap akan mempertimbangkan yield yang bisa digenggam apabila menempatkan portfolio-nya di reksadana. "Kalau misalnya masih menguntungkan di reksadana imbal hasilnya, investor masih akan masuk ke reksadana. Tapi sekarang kami belum tahu implikasinya seperti apa," tutur dia. Direktur PT Infovesta Utama Parto Kawito mengatakan reksadana terproteksi dan reksadana pendapatan tetap akan terkena imbas dari penetapan pajak tersebut. Sebab, sebagian besar aset dasar instrumen tersebut merupakan obligasi. "Terproteksi dan pendapatan tetap akan kena. Jadi, perusahaan manajer investasi harus diversifikasi karena instrumen tersebut menarik untuk ritel dan tidak menarik bagi institusi," ujar dia. Namun, suramnya prospek reksadana terproteksi dan pendapatan tetap tersebut tidak akan mempengaruhi industri reksadana secara keseluruhan. Sebab, perusahaan manajer investasi masih dapat mengandalkan pertumbuhan produk reksadana lainnya. "Demand reksadana masih banyak. Perusahaan manajer investasi juga akan banyak menerbitkan produk baru sehingga pasarnya masih bagus," ujar dia.

% potential gain Schroder Dana Istimewa (2007-2011)

... sdi adalah produk reksa dana saham yang sudah berumur cukup tua, tabel dan grafik di posting ini hanya menggambarkan sebagian tren jangka panjang SDI sejak awal 2007 s/d Oktober 2011 ... well, tetap menjanjikan seh, walau kurang kinclong pada 2011 ini ... sebagai alat diversifikasi, sdi maseh menarik, yaitu dari sudut pandang keamanan, kemapanan, dan kenyamanan secara BAKU

$kenario INVE$ Schroder 90+ dan BNPP Ekuitas 1 Juta per bulan s/d Oktober 2011

dari 3 tabel bisa dibuat kesimpulan sederhana: 1. secara %potential gain skenario inves 1 Jt/bln pada Schroder 90+ lebe unggul daripada BNP Paribas Ekuitas s/d 13 Oktober 2011 2. secara %potential gain skenario inves 1 Jt/bln pada S90+ lebe unggul daripada kenaikan NAB s/d 13 Oktober (yaitu selisih NAB terhadap per tgl 3 Januari 2011) 3. secara %potential gain skenario inves 1 Jt/bln pada BNP Paribas Ekuitas lebe kecil daripada kenaikan NAB s/d 13 Oktober 2011 (yaitu selisih NAB terhadap per tgl 07 Januari 2011) 4. pada tabel ke 3, simak ada kolom yang diberi warna BIRU: ada perbedaan modal yang dipakai, yaitu menjadi Rp. 5 Jt, dengan tujuan


pada saat NAB per unit MEROSOT TAJAM, sehingga pada akhir masa pengamatan, yaitu 13 Oktober 2011, %potential gain MALAH POSITIF, dan JAUH LEBE TINGGI daripada %kenaikan NAB ... well, semua keputusan mengikuti skenario di atas UP2U lah :)

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

MAKRO dan investasi portofolio ... 121011

[JAKARTA] Kepala Badan Kebijakan dan Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Gita Wirjawan berkeyakinan bahwa pasar makro Indonesia lebih “seksi” ketimbang pasar makro di negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika Serikat (AS). “Gonjang-ganjing ekonomi di negara maju apalagi menjelang pemilu AS akhir tahun depan, membuat perilaku pasar mengambil tindakan redeem, termasuk Indonesia. Namun, saya berkeyakinan pasar makro Indonesia lebih seksi dibanding Eropa dan AS,” ujarnya dalam Economic Outlook 2012 di Jakarta, Rabu (12/10).

... REDEMPTION? no way lah ... gw malah sempat SUBSCRIPTION nambah UNIT reksa dana saham kale :)

Rasio utang Indonesia terhadap PDB pun yang pada tahun 2004 sebesar 25-26%, pada 10 tahun 2014 mendatang diharapkan bisa ada dibawah 20%. Sementara, laju inflasi diyakininya juga akan lebih terkendali dibandingkan negara lainnya. Tambah Gita, keputusan Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) yang menurunkan suku bunga BI Rate sebesar 25 basis poin dari 6,75% menjadi 6,5% Rabu pekan lalu, merupakan kebijakan yang sejalan dengan keyakinan kapasitas untuk mengelola laju inflasi. Adapun, dari 22 bulan, BI hanya meningkatkan satu kali BI Rate, beda dengan Thailand, Vietnam, dan India yang sudah berkali-kali menaikkan suku bunganya. Lebih lanjut, Gita pun mengatakan, Indonesia ternyata bisa mempertahankan potensi fiskal dan moneternya. Apalagi didukung oleh demografinya di mana banyak yang berumur dibawah 33 tahun dan bahkan 50% dari penduduknya berusia di bawah 20 tahun alias masuk kategori produktif. “Profil demografinya Indonesia sampai 2025 seperti itu dan ini modal yang luar biasa. Sehingga, ke depannya, kekuatan Indonesia, bukan hanya pada fiskal moneter tapi juga demografinya,” imbuh dia. Sumber : SUARAPEMBARUAN.COM

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

A$13N-k mah egois lah :P ... 061011

Penarikan dana yang dilakukan investor asing di lantai Bursa Efek Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu disinyalir untuk mengamankan posisi negara asalnya baik Amerika Serikat maupun wilayah Eropa lantaran krisis utang. "Memang beberapa hari lalu terjadi net selling karena asing membutuhkan dana untuk mengamankan posisi mereka yang lagi krisis," ujar Ketua Bapepam-LK, Nurhaida di sela acara Investor Summit di Jakarta, Kamis (6/10). Menurutnya penarikan dana terus menerus ini sempat membuat Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) terkoreksi, walau kembali menguat tertolong fundamental Indonesia yang masih kuat. Penurunan indeks ini juga dipicu lantara sebagian besar hampir 51% investor asing mendomisasi di lantai bursa. "Kepemilikan asing di saham 57% sedangkan lokal hanya 43%. Artinya, mari kita genjot investor domestik ini," imbuhnya. Bila asing, lanjutnya masih mendominasi pasar disertai dengan kondisi negara asalnya yang tengah koreksi membuat asing harus menjual kepemilikannya dalam jumlah besar di tempat-tempat portofolionya. Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala BPKM Gita Wiryawan menambahkan distorsi pasar yang tengah terjadi di lantai bursa disebabkan penarikan dana secara besar oleh asing, terlihat banyaknya investor asing yang membeli saham dan surat utang negara (SUN) dibandingkan oleh domestik. " Pada tanggal 12 September 2011 di mana BNP Paribas mengeluarkan pernyataan harus mencari kebutuhan mereka serta 13 September 2011 mereka mengambil posisi untuk mengcover dirinya sendiri, sehingga kondisi ini begitu," urai Gita hari ini. Namun, ia mengakui kondisi fundamental pasar modal dan pasar keuangan Indonesia masih kuat ditunjuk oleh penguatan Rupiah dibandingkan dengan dolar Singapura walau terjadi pelemahan atas dolar. "Indonesia masih memiliki fundamental yang sangat luar biasa. Yakin angin topan dan puyuh ini berlalu sehingga mereka [asing] bisa lihat betapa indahnya Indonesia untuk investasi," tuntasnya. Sumber : IMQ JAKARTA

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011


Why U.S. stock funds could see year-end rally Debt woes plague economy and markets, but fourth quarter is often strong By Jonathan Burton, MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — This was supposed to be another fruitful year for U.S. stocks. So far, not so good. Now, after enduring a summer-long market drought and geopolitical wildfires, investors in equity mutual funds and exchange-traded funds aren’t expecting much of an annual harvest, but they shouldn’t rule out a year-end rally. Debt troubles from Athens to Washington preoccupied investors throughout the third quarter and gave U.S. stock funds their worst drubbing since the financial-market meltdown three years ago. Sporadic rallies provided a brief lift but only masked an overall pessimistic trend for stocks and stockholders alike. The biggest weight on stock investors has been the European debt crisis. Europe’s financial meisters and ministers, with an assist from the U.S., are trying to orchestrate an “orderly” default for Greece. Their overarching goal: protect big European and U.S. banks from a knockout punch that could trigger another worldwide recession — that is, unless a recession is already here. “What is a bad economy is about to get much worse,” said Lakshman Achuthan, co-founder of the Economic Cycle Research Institute, which at the end of September said the U.S. would be hit with another recession that would not spare other developed nations and emerging markets. “We are seeing the weakness spread widely,” Achuthan said. “There’s a contagion…that’s not going to be snuffed out. The nature of a recession is not a statistic. It’s a vicious feedback loop. Sales fall, production falls, income falls and that depresses sales. We’re in that and it’s going to run its course.” Read more: Economy faces new recession. That cycle may take awhile, given the massive levels of debt that governments, corporations and households around the developed world are being forced to whittle down. Against that backdrop, stock-market recoveries will be more fragile and easily derailed, recessions more frequent, and heightened volatility the rule rather than the exception. Stock investing therefore will need to become more nimble and proactive, a far cry from the “set-it-and-forget-it,” buy-and-hold mantra that most individual investors who came of age in the past 30 years have been taught.

UDA GA JAMANNYA, BELI dan BOBO @reksa dana dan saham; INVESTASI reksa dana dan saham SEMAKIN BERISIKO TINGGI SEKALE bo :P

“The next decade will likely be one where buy and hold will generally be a fairly poor option in developed markets,” Deutsche Bank analysts told clients in a report last month. “There will be large cyclical rallies punctuated by recessions and funding crises. “We need at least a decade to make the adjustments in both asset prices and debt levels to return the normal rhythm of long-term returns,” the report noted. “Until then, expect a highly unstable, volatile and ultimately ‘Grey’ decade.” Read more: 5 money moves one debt-crisis expert is making now. Fourth and goal Still, at the moment the U.S. arguably is the cleanest dirty shirt in the world’s hamper, as the resurgent U.S. dollar attests. So some analysts are looking for U.S. stocks to finish the year on an upbeat note, at least compared with less-resilient areas of the world. “The United States remains in somewhat better shape than Europe,” equity-market analysts at BlackRock Inc. noted in a late September research report. “On balance, we believe the economy will continue to ‘muddle through’ at a weak but still positive rate.” Stock buyers should look for opportunities in technology, energy and other cyclical market sectors, BlackRock strategists said. They also favor health care, a sector whose constituents historically have exhibited strong pricing power in weak economic conditions. The analysts added: “Companies that have the ability to raise dividends, buy back stock and make new investments are well-positioned.” In that sense, stock funds and ETFs with shares of high-quality, cash-rich U.S. companies in their portfolio would be better able to weather headwinds. Also working in stock funds’ favor is that fourth-quarter returns have been solidly positive on average for the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index and its sectors since 1990, when S&P began keeping sector records. (So has the second quarter, just not as strongly.)

that fourth-quarter returns have been solidly positive on average for the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index and its sectors since 1990, when S&P began keeping sector records

Over these past two decades, consumer discretionary, consumer staples and technology stocks have been the largest outperformers in the final three months of the year, topping the index’s 4.7% average gain for the period, according to S&P. Health care, industrials, materials and telecom also have tended toward above-market returns, while energy, financials and utilities finished below-average, but still in positive territory. ECRI Weekly Leading Index is weak. While U.S. stock traders obviously prefer to close the annual books on a high note, in more recent years the fourth quarter has disappointed — 2008, for example. And even if the next three months do bring a respite for stock-fund shareholders, the relief may be short-lived. “Don’t begin to think that green arrows will signal a change of long-term market direction,” cautioned Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ. “We still believe equities will again trend lower after the traditional year-end rally.” Rotten to the quarter Market players never like uncertainty, but they absolutely loathed the confusion and lack of confidence on display in the third quarter. The period’s large number of highly volatile trading days reflected this anxiety. So did the quarter’s closing numbers. U.S. diversified stock funds tumbled more than 15% on average in the period, according to preliminary data from investment researcher Morningstar Inc. The broad U.S. market benchmarks also fared poorly: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI:DJIA) lost 12.1% over the 13 weeks through Sept. 30, its worst showing since the the first quarter of 2009, while the S&P 500 (SNC:SPX) was hit with a 13.9% quarterly loss, including reinvested dividends — its biggest drop since the December 2008 quarter. Every domestic stock fund category Morningstar follows lost ground. Reflecting the depth of the market rout and the surge of investor pessimism, even defensive fund sectors including consumer staples and utilities failed to finish in the black. How to use options, ETFs and sector plays to get through Wall Street's most notorious month without seeing red. International stock funds suffered even worse, with emerging markets investors getting a first-hand reminder of these countries’ inherent risk. Read more: Case for international stock funds gets tougher. The stiff U.S. market losses since the end of June also erased investors’ hard-earned gains for the year. Domestic stock funds were down 10% over the first nine months of 2011 — only the utilities sector, with rich dividends to provide support, has managed to stay above water. Health-care and consumer-staples funds and ETFs, which typically play defense, got tackled. The average health-care fund sank 14%, according to Morningstar; a representative ETF, Health Care Select Sector SPDR (NAR:XLV) , fell 10%. Actively run consumer-staples funds, meanwhile, gave up 9%; but an index-tracking ETF proxy for the group did considerably better: Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR (NAR:XLP) lost just over 4%. Gold and precious-metals funds also gave back ground, shaking shareholders who had enjoyed only an upward direction. Precious-metals funds dropped 6%, energy funds lost 22%, natural-resources funds shed 24% and financial-services sector portfolios lost 22%. Technology funds, meanwhile, lost 16%. The biggest U.S.-stock mutual funds reflected the market’s unforgiving mood. American Funds Growth Fund of America (MFD:AGTHX) lost about 16%, according to fund tracker Lipper Inc. Meanwhile, Fidelity Contrafund (MFD:FCNTX) did notably better, down 11.6%, Vanguard 500 Index Fund (MFD:VFINX) fell 13.9%, and Dodge & Cox Stock Fund (MFD:DODGX) tumbled almost 19%. So-called bear-market funds, which are designed to rise when stocks fall, did their job and posted a 15% average gain. “The market is looking for a bottom and is volatile, and it will remain so,” said Mark Luschini, chief investment strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott. “Right now you’re better off on the side of caution. That’s why you see cash quite high among professional investors.” Keeping the powder dry Indeed, for many potential buyers nowadays it pays not to play. Investors have been raising cash in an attempt to keep powder dry, and this summer the already jammed sidelines became even more crowded. More than $71 billion fled U.S. stock funds in the quarter through Sept. 21, with an exodus of $23 billion in the week of Aug. 10 alone, according to the Investment Company Institute, an industry trade group. About three times as much money poured out of domestic funds in the third quarter as in the previous quarter. When money did go into stocks over the quarter, it was most often through hybrid or balanced funds that also invest in bonds. For others, pure bond funds were the only good option. As has been the case all year, long-term government bond funds proved especially lucrative. Read more: Why government bond funds surged in the third quarter. “It’s going to be a couple of years before investors are net buyers of equity funds,” said Bob Carey, chief investment officer at First Trust Advisors L.P. “Investors want cash flow.” Investors’ laser-like focus on stock dividends and bond income will dissipate once the market emerges from its slump, Carey added. “It’s not that different from the mid-1990s as we were coming out of the 1990-91 recession,” he pointed out. “Five years later everything with a dividend was considered passé.” ... well, SEKALE LAGE, sebagai perbandingan, di INDONESIA pun, SAHAM MENCETAK GAIN lage pada NOVEMBER s/d DESEMBER, dengan catatan: desember BULAN LIBURAN, jadi kenaekan akan TERBATAS:
jadi seperti yang gw selalu koar-koarkan, SEBAEKNYA ELO JANGAN KETINGGALAN KERETA, saat INVESTOR REKSA DANA SAHAM HARI-HARI INI MALAH MENGKOLEKSI unit2 tambahan secara terus menerus dan rutin, maka kemudian pada 2 bulan PEMBALIKAN ARAH ITU, mereka akan JUAL UNTUK MENIKMATI LIBURAN PANJANG :)


... well, gw SEDIH dan SEDIH banget baca soal2 KETIDAKINTEGRITASAN pengelola INVESTASI ala reksa dana kpd ... itu sebabnya gw MENGHINDARKAN DIRI dari tawaran reksa dana kpd atau YANG TIDAK BEREPUTASI sama sekali ... susahnya PENIPUAN ITU ABADI, jadi KEWASPADAAN ITU JUGA HARUS TERUS MENERUS DIASAH ... capek dong ... well, gw berusaha BUKAN UNTUK MEWASPADAI PENIPUAN, tapi LEBE KEPADA KESIAPAN gw MENGHADAPI RISIKO PENIPUAN, yaitu lewat DIVERSIFIKASI ... memang semakin diversifikasi, gw semakin pusinK karena terbagi-baginya pemikiran dan pekerjaan gw ... tapi ITU JAUH LEBE EFEKTIF dalam MENGHADANG dan MENGHADAPI yang ABADI model PENIPUAN ITU ... well, diversifikasi bisa bersifat TERABA (tangible) dan TAK TERINDERA (intangible): emas, properti, deposito, tabungan, reksa dana, saham, misalnya ... JADI prinsip JANGAN TARUH SEMUA TELUR dalam SATU KERANJANG itu KUNCI KESELAMATAN dalam BERINVESTASI dan MENGHADAPI PENIPUAN yang abadi itu ... satu hal lage yang saat ini PALING SULIT DIHINDARI OLEH MANUSIA abad 21 ini adalah KESERAKAHAN ... semakin serakah PASTI SEMAKIN MUDAH MENJADI KORBAN PENIPUAN, kalo ga percaya, coba aja sendiri lah :P

penipuan LAGE tukh ... 031011

Falcon Diduga Gelapkan Dana Nasabah Rp57 Miliar Rizka Diputra - Okezone Minggu, 2 Oktober 2011 16:31 wib JAKARTA - Direktur Investasi Dana Pensiun Mitra Krakatau (DPMK) Erli John mengaku menjadi salah satu korban kejahatan yang diduga dilakukan manajemen PT Falcon Asia Resources Management (Falcon). Dia merugi lantaran dananya sebesar Rp4,1 miliar tak bisa kembali setelah ditanamkan di reksa dana terbitan Falcon. "Kita pernah investasi Rp4,1 miliar dana milik Dana Pensiun Mitra Krakatau. Tapi kita tak pernah membuat laporan ke Polisi. Kalau yang buat laporan itu pihak CIMB Niaga," kata Erli dalam keterangannya di Jakarta, Minggu (2/10/2011). Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun, selain DPMK masih terdapat enam perusahaan termasuk investor individu yang menanamkan uangnya di reksa dana terbitan Falcon tersebut. Total dana nasabah yang diduga digelapkan mencapai Rp57 miliar. Sebelumnya, salah satu pemegang reksa dana, PT Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967 (Bumida) tidak bisa mencairkan dananya sekira Rp11 miliar. Kasus tersebut kini masih ditangani oleh Direktorat Pidana Umum Bareskrim Mabes Polri. Berdasarkan nomor laporan bernomor LP/223/IV/2011, tertanggal 8 April 2011, tercantum bahwa tindak kejahatan itu diduga dilakukan oleh Direktur Falcon Bernardo Ali dan Direktur Falcon Asia (FA) Hendro Christanto. Modus operandi yang digunakan dalam penggelapan dana, yakni dengan memalsukan tanda tangan nasabah dalam formulir redemption dana investasi yang disimpan di bank kustodian PT CIMB Niaga Tbk. Pelaku pemalsuan tandatangan diduga dilakukan oleh kakak kandung Hendro Christanto, Jodi Haryanto selaku pihak yang diberikan kuasa atas kedua perusahaan tersebut. Sekadar informasi, Jodi Haryanto adalah terpidana tiga tahun penjara dalam perkara pemalsuan tandatangan di PT Eurocapital Peregrine Securities (EPS). Meski putusan banding dan perintah penahanan itu telah dilakukan, namun hingga kini mantan wakil bendahara umum Partai Demokrat ini tak kunjung ditahan. Falcon sendiri awalnya bernama Asia Wealth Investment Management yakni sebuah perusahaan pengelola reksa dana yang sesungguhnya dikendalikan oleh Jodi Haryanto. Mayoritas saham perusahaan dengan kode FAR02 ini dipegang oleh PT Karyatech Prima milik Eriana yang merupakan istri Jodi Haryanto. (ade)

kasus KPD berlanjUt ... 031011

Jumat, 30/09/2011 17:05 WIB Polisi Sita 3 Apartemen Senilai Rp 15 Miliar Terkait Kasus Askrindo E Mei Amelia R - detikFinance Jakarta - Penyidik Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus Polda Metro Jaya kembali melakukan penyitaan terkait kasus money laundering atas dana PT Askrindo. Kali ini, ada tiga unit apartemen senilai Rp 15 miliar yang disita polisi. "Ada tiga unit apartemen di kawasan Jakarta Selatan yang disita petugas," kata Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Baharudin Djafar saat dihubungi wartawan, Jumat (30/9/2011). Baharudin mengatakan, apartemen tersebut disita dari saksi dalam kasus Askrindo. "Bukan dari tersangka," kata Baharudin. Selain menyita tiga unit apartemen, polisi juga menyita barang bukti lain. Di antaranya adalah dokumen perjanjian kontrak Askrindo dengan tiga perusahaan investasi yang diinisialkan, yaitu PT HAM, PT RAM dan PT JS. "Kemudian ada satu unit handphone juga," katanya. Polisi juga menyita 3 bundel perjanjian perikatan jual-beli dan 2 lembar bilyet deposito senilai total Rp 500 juta. "Masing-masing Rp 250 juta," ucapnya. Sementara itu, Kasubdit Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Aji Indra mengungkapkan, apartemen tersebut disita dari seorang saksi berinisial Ben. "Saksi ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan kasus, hanya dititipi," kata Aji. Sebelumnya, Polda Metro Jaya telah menetapkan tersangka dalam kasus tersebut yakni ZL dan RS selaku pejabat di PT Askrindo. Dua tersangka ini ditengarai telah bekerjasama dengan sejumlah manajer investasi untuk menyalurkan dana Askrindo ke perusahaan investasi tersebut. Berdasarkan laporan polisi 6 Juni 2011, No 491, Askrindo diduga melakukan tipikor pencucian uang seperti pada Pasal 2 ayat (1) dan 3 UU No 20/2001 tentang perubahan UU No 31 pemberantasan TP Korupsi dengan jalan membuat rekayasa keuangan dengan kerjasama dengan MI. Polisi juga telah memeriksa 37 saksi dan beberapa saksi ahli, dari pihak BPKP, saksi ahli pidana, saksi ahli tindak pidana pencucian uang dan saksi ahli Bapepam dan ahli investasi. Sementara polisi sendiri telah memblokir 24 rekening dalam kasus itu. Askrindo diduga melakukan rekayasa keuangan yang dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan 4 manajer investasi ada penyaluran dana sebesar Rp 439 miliar di 10 perusahaan investasi. Menurutnya, kasus ini terjadi pada rentang waktu 2004-2009. (mei/ang)