gW suka BANGET ketidakPASTIan

gW suka BANGET ketidakPASTIan

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

CUS : PANEN @ihsg : 281011 (tetap SEMANGAT)

saat peringatan hari Sumpah Pemuda semoga tetap SEMANGAT, karena ihsg sudah TERBANG dari : tgl 4 Oktober 2011 @3269 tgl 27 Oktober 2011 @3813 POTENTIAL GAIN ihsg @16,64% berarti RDS JUGA NAEK sekira 10-20%, well, nante gw posting datanya :) mau Cari Untung Sesaat ini lah saatnya BWAT YANG IKUT maen reksa dana ala gw ya :) (buy on BLOOD LETTING MARKETS, sell on MARKET EUPHORIA)
neh, gw isenk ikut quiz di harian New York Times edisi 27 Oktober 2011, hasilnya gw dapat nilai 60%, yaitu benar 6 dari 10 soal; semua soal investasi gw bener; soal asuransi gw lemah (makanya bener gw serahkan pada pasangan gw aja :) ), dan soal pinjaman/kartu kredit gw oke lah ... persoalan laen gw tidak terlalu mafhum sistem keuangan pensiun amrik ... well, lumayan lah, jika dibanding dengan orang amrik yang dites pada usia yang sama dengan kelompok usia gw: Quiz Completed Compare your score to the average for people in your age group in a recent nationwide survey: Age: 25-29: 53% 30-34: 61% 35-39: 63% 40-44: 64% 45-49: 64% 50-54: 62% 55-59: 61% 60-64: 61% 65-69: 57% 70-74: 50% 75-79: 41% 80-84: 33% 85-89: 27% 90+: 13% You scored 60%! Q.1 Savings accounts and money-market accounts are most appropriate for: (gw bener) Long-term investments like retirement Emergency funds and short-term goals Earning a high rate of return Q.2 To reduce the total finance costs paid over the life of an auto loan, you should choose a loan with the: (gw bener) Lowest monthly payment Longest repayment term Shortest repayment term Q.3 If you always pay the full balance on your credit card, which of the following is least important? (gw salah) Annual interest rate Annual fees Line of credit Q.4 Which type of mortgage would allow a first-time home buyer to qualify for the highest loan amount? (gw salah) Fixed-rate mortgage Adjustable-rate mortgage Reverse mortgage Q.5 The benefit of owning investments that are diversified is that it:(gw bener) Reduces risk Increases return Reduces tax liability Q.6 A young investor willing to take moderate risk for above-average growth would be most interested in: (gw bener) Treasury bills Money-market mutual funds Balanced stock funds Q.7 The main advantage of a 401(k) plan is that it: (gw bener) Provides a high rate of return with little risk Allows you to shelter retirement savings from taxation Provides a well-diversified mix of investment assets Q.8 To ensure that some of your retirement savings will not be subject to income tax upon withdrawal, you would contribute to: (gw bener) A Traditional IRA or Individual Retirement Account A Roth IRA A 401(k) plan Q.9 If you have an insurance policy with a higher deductible, the premiums will be:(gw salah) Higher Lower The same Q.10 Which of the following types of insurance is most important for single workers without children? (gw salah) Life insurance Disability income insurance Dental insurance

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